Friday, December 31, 2010

A Prayer for New Year's

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you as humbly and lowly as I know how. Seeking the guidance that only You may offer. I know I haven't been the most diligent and dutiful believer, but I pray that you would forgive me of my transgressions and wrongdoings that I've committed knowingly and unknowingly.

Father, on this day, your children around the world often seek renewal. They seek redemption. They ultimately seek direction. I pray that you would renew their hearts with a mind to serve You properly. I pray that You would redeem them so that they may not suffer the fate of so many that choose unbelief and wickedness over faith. Most importantly, I pray that You give them direction. Unification of purpose. The type of path that can only be divinely ordered Father.

I know what you've done in my life Father. So, I know that You are real. I know that You've directed me for longer than I could possibly imagine and have ordered all of my tests, trials, tribulations, and triumphs Father. I thank You for all of them. I know the work that You've done in my life in just the past 6 months has amazed and conquered my doubt more than I knew to be possible. I'll ask You for no improbable things on this acknowledged day of change Father. I just pray that You continue to show Your face in every aspect of my life as You've been doing.

Thanks for listening...


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Beneath the Underdog
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