Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I've had a few days to calm down now...halfway around the world...but I'm still struggling to understand how this happens...

An unarmed man is face down and being restrained...one of the men stands and fires a round into the prostrate man's back...7 hours later the man who was shot dies from the gunshot wound...

This, my friends, is murder...

Did I mention that part of the scene was caught on camera? A number of cameras actually...from multiple angles...

So, answer me this...how does a fairly clear cut case of murder, turn into involuntary manslaughter? Ok, maybe there were extenuating circumstances...that's understandable.

But for him to get a slap on the wrist and the judge tell the family, "Be happy you have Obama..."

What kind of fucked up, bizzaro world justice system are we under?

My faith in the criminal justice system was already shaky...now its completely broken...

R.I.P. Oscar Grant


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Beneath the Underdog
I'm a black music aficionado with a lot of opinions...nothing more, nothing less...